Checking out SeaWorld Orlando this week to see what’s new around the park. The Dolphin Nursery is being completely rebuilt and should reopen this summer, but is currently hidden behind work walls. The most notable difference once reopened will be see-through acrylic windows, so kids can get a better view inside. Journey to Atlantis is closed for its annual refurbishment. Water was running while I was there, so that’s a good sign that it might be close to wrapping up. Also, the Seven Seas Food Festival is going on now. You’ll find food booths set up throughout the park, but they’re only open on Saturdays. There’s also a live concert every Saturday night for the event. The festival ends May 13th. Check out our full menus and concert lineup here.
The biggest bit of news though, is that apparently SeaWorld Orlando will be getting a new water-based ride, possibly for 2018. The new attraction will be built where the Sea Garden area is currently located. All indications are that the new ride will be a family raft ride similar to Shipwreck Rapids at SeaWorld San Diego, although no confirmation or announcement has been made yet. While the entire Sea Garden area will most likely be used for the new attraction, it is possible the existing Terrace building will remain, (although the restaurants and Pass Member Lounge inside may close during construction.) The nearby Animal Ambassador building (former Budweiser Clydesdale stable) is also rumored to remain intact during this construction, and animal encounters should continue in the area. Check out the video and photo report below for more details, and stay tuned to the site for more information and updates!
Photo Update

Seven Seas Food Festival going on now until May 13th! More info.
Rumor is a new water ride, most likely a family raft ride similar to Shipwreck Rapids in San Diego, will be coming to this part of the park.

Possible ride type (Photo FamilyVacationHub)

Lift hill in San Diego ride (Photo FamilyVacationHub)

All indications are that this building will remain intact if/when a new ride is built in front of it

As much as I’d love a new ride, this was my favorite quiet place to relax in the park, and I’ll miss it

The animals aren’t going anywhere, and will continue to meet out front of this area, just outside of the gardens once construction starts

Many of the animals live in the old barn behind this area, where the Budweiser Clydesdale horses used to be. I believe this stable will remain even after the new ride comes, so they can keep their home.

The nearby flamingo pond may remain as well, but all of the surrounding gardens will be turned into a new ride, and may even be walled up soon for construction.

Whatever the new attraction will be, we can be pretty sure it will have something to do with conservation.
That’s all for this update! See all SeaWorld Orlando updates here. And subscribe to our news feed to stay up on theme park news, including more details about SeaWorld’s new ride!
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