Epic Universe News Update: Portals Ready, Nighttime Lighting, and Team Member Training

As construction begins to wind down around the worlds of Epic Universe, we’re starting to see Team Members on the ground without hard hats on for the first time, including chefs, musicians, and more. Plus, signs are popping up around Celestial Park, new nighttime lighting effects, and all five quotes have been installed onto the portals.

Let’s check in on all that, as well as progress in all areas of Epic Universe, in today’s news update. See the video version of this story below for additional visuals.

The image below is an official piece of concept art, with labels added for all of the main attractions for Universal Epic Universe.

Official concept art with labels added for all attractions

Thanks to recent aerial photography from @bioreconstruct on social media, we’re able to compare the latest construction progress to permit details and official concept art for this new theme park.

Recent aerial look at Epic Universe construction site by @bioreconstruct

Epic Universe Portals

Inscriptions have been added to the front of all five portals for Universal Epic Universe. These brief quotes can be found above the entrances to each of the five worlds of the park.

As we can see for the nighttime photo below of the portal entry into the Wizarding World, the words for these phrases actually glow at night.

All original photos by @bioreconstruct, unless otherwise specified

For this one, the phrase is a quote from Dumbledore: “For in dreams we make a world that is entirely our own.”

The portal fronts also include decoration around the ring, which include different wands on the Wizarding World portal.

The portal into Super Nintendo World features character faces on the sides, and the words “Here we go!” as its quote.

The How to Train Your Dragon portal features the quote “We, my friends, have dragons!” The decoration for the sides of this portal has not yet been installed.

Dark Universe features the iconic phrase: “It’s alive! It’s alive!”

The fifth portal is actually the park’s main entrance, which acts as the entry into Celestial Park, the name for the world within the center of Epic Universe.

While wrapped in plastic, we can see that this main portal features the phrase “Beyond this gate find gardens green, And epic worlds to fill your dreams.”

Compare this final version of the inscription to what was originally seen on the entry portal within the scale model found at the Epic Universe Preview Center. The phrase seen in the model is much, much longer. It seems that the final version only kept the last two sections.

Photo of miniature version of this entry portal

Dark Universe

Checking in on progress around each of the worlds of the park, and starting in Dark Universe, the world filled with the Universal Monsters, we can see the first Team Members inside of Epic Universe without wearing safety hard hats.

These team members are meeting in the graveyard-themed entry area where guests will walk through first after entering the portal.

A directional sign can be seen within the middle of this entry area.

Deeper into the world we can see several large groups of people, some taking tours, others having meetings, and some even practicing playing music.

Temporary signage can be seen here for Das Stakehouse, along with a reminders sign showing Team Members what is not allowed while inside of this area.

Several violin players can found within this area, themed as the village of Darkmoor, the fictional location where Dark Universe is set.

Universal has announced a traveling musician for this area, which will regale us with tales in song form, seen in official concept art playing a violin near the central fountain.

Official concept art

We can see at least three of these musicians in the photo below alone. Perhaps they are practicing, or testing acoustics in different areas of the street.

Looking to the area’s main attraction, a ride named Monsters Unchained: The Frankenstein Experiment, we can spot the standby and Express entrance signs in front of the Frankenstein Manor facade.

What appear to be embedded lights are located along the queue path on the bridge.

The manor entrance features two queues leading toward it, with standby on the left and Express pass queue on right.

Greg Hall, Creative Director for Universal Creative, has said that the realistic animatronics for this indoor ride utilizes motion captured performances to make their movements feel more real and natural.

Photo of actual animatronic for the attraction

The other attraction for Dark Universe is a spinning roller coaster named Curse of the Werewolf.

This roller coaster attraction is still receiving new safety net framing along much of the outdoor track sections.

The coaster reach envelope tester can be spotted on seen on ground below.

Bioreconstruct was able to get aerial testing footage at night of The Burning Blade Tavern windmill testing its fire effects.

We can see this windmill structure ignite into flames in the video above, and what it looks like when it burns out. The windmill blades seem to burn for a few minutes at a time. Universal says the windmill will erupt into flames several times an hour.

Super Nintendo World

Moving now to Super Nintendo World, where all of the power-ups and icons above the several warp pipes on top of the portal have been installed, including the coin, super mushroom, fire flower, and super star.

Inside of the world, all of the towers of Peach’s Castle have now received their pink color.

The nearby gazebo also has a pink roof. This is where the Peach character will host her meet and greets.

Super Star icons are located along the railings running down the main staircase in front of the castle.

Across the way, themed barrels are sitting in the doorway for the Mario Motors gift shop. This shop acts as the exit for the Mario Kart ride.

The nighttime lighting for Bowser’s Fortress can be seen here, with his face glowing red. This acts as the entrance to Mario Kart.

On the lower level, located on the right of 1-UP Factory, the largest retail location in Super Nintendo World, we can spot one of the world’s exits. This leads to a path that takes guests back to Celestial Park.

Work is happening at the main sign for Yoshi’s Adventure, with the return of the egg-shaped “O” letter.

Something can be spotted wrapped in plastic underneath the Yoshi ride.

Permits show this area as housing Coke Freestyle machines.

Permit image, fasttrack.ocfl.net

The character stage in the center of the lower level courtyard is nearly complete.

This stage area is where characters like Mario and Luigi will meet and greet.

Official concept art

A couple of the dishes that are currently available at Toadstool Cafe in Universal Studios Hollywood were recently confirmed to be coming to Epic Universe’s version, including the Fire Flower Spaghetti and Meatballs and Piranha Plant Caprese.

Looking to the Donkey Kong Country area behind Super Mario Land, the waterfall at the top of the Golden Temple has been running in recent weeks.

This real waterfall is made up of two separate sections, but will appear continuous when viewed from the ground.

The waterfall ends in a small stream that flows underneath the ride’s exit path, and towards a water feature on the Mine Cart Madness ride itself.

A smaller waterfall can now be seen running behind this section of the ride, in addition to the mist effect that was turned on last month.

Below shows what it looks like when a mine cart skates across the water in this scene, with a splash effect helping to make it look more realistic.

The sign for The Bubbly Barrel snack and drink stand has been installed.

A barrel with balloons above it has been added in front of this kiosk.

The Donkey Kong tree house looks to be complete, located next to the snack kiosk.

Universal has finally confirmed that Donkey Kong will be meeting at Epic Universe’s version of Super Nintendo World. The character has even been added to the official website since our last update.

Image: Nintendo

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter – Ministry of Magic

Heading into The Wizarding World of Harry Potter – Ministry of Magic, the streets of Paris are starting to receive additional items you’d find around any theme park land, like trash cans on multiple corners, and benches, like these seen here.

Posters have been applied to the advertising column in the center of the world.

There are now several of these Parisian columns in the world, including one near the exit to the stage show by the tent.

Lights have been on around the land, and as seen in this aerial footage. We can see the warm lighting around the shop windows, the string lights on the circus tent entry into the stage show, and the Quidditch sign is lit up at the back of the area.

This Quidditch sign is actually animated, as we can now see in the nighttime footage below.

The sign for the show has been installed at the front of its entrance, which is themed as a circus tent.

This show is named Le Cirque Arcanus, and will feature Fantastic Beasts puppets and live actors.

Official Concept Art

A new structure is taking shape at the dead end on the right side of the world. This is modeled after the entry to the French Ministry of Magic as seen in the second Fantastic Beasts film.

Here is a look at this area in official concept art, showing the structure as a possible photo op for visitors.

Official Concept Art

Umbrellas have been added to the Butterbeer cart on the other side of the world, but are still wrapped up. Pipes leading below ground are visible beneath the Butterbeer cart.

Team Member meetings appear to be taking place within this area of the Wizarding World, and just like Dark Universe, Team Members are not required to wear hard hats anymore.

It appears that members of the culinary team are on site in these images as well.

At the end of this street is the entrance to the main attraction for the Wizarding World at Epic Universe, an indoor ride named Harry Potter and the Battle at the Ministry.

The Metro-Floo sign has been installed above the entrance, which is like a Wizarding mass transit system. Here guests will use magical fireplaces to get from Paris to London, where the ride takes place.

To the right of the ride entrance, the test seats for this elevator-themed dark ride are partially uncovered.

Here is a look at the actual ride vehicle, as seen in this official photo of the ride.

Official photo of vehicle seating for Battle at the Ministry ride

How to Train Your Dragon – Isle of Berk

Moving now to How to Train Your Dragon – Isle of Berk, where ride testing is continuous leading to possible Team Member previews in the coming weeks.

The roller coaster attraction, named Hiccup’s Wing Gliders, can be seen traversing the land, dipping under the water level of the lagoon, and swinging around the other ride that is testing, a spinner ride named Dragon Racers Rally.

In the photo below we can see the coaster train heading out onto the first of the ride’s two launches. The show scene that precedes it contains animated Hiccup and Toothless figures, and we can even spot Toothless hiding in the photo.

At night we can see how the fog where the coaster passes below the water line is illuminated.

The lighting around the paths of the land is designed to appear as torches, creating a warm glow around the Isle of Berk.

The lanterns at the edge of a bridge near the front of the world, between the main lagoon and the boat ride, have received dragon-shaped decorations.

Coca-Cola Freestyle machines have arrived to the Grog & Gruel snack stand.

This matches permit images we had previous seen for the area.

Permit image of building from fasttrack.ocfl.net

Skin has been added around one of the new dragon tails seen sticking out of the dragon houses on this hillside.

This dragon tail was seen with mechanics inside, so we expect to have a swaying motion.

Short walls with pointy teeth design on top have been added to help block the view of roof equipment above the retail location.

The menu board is up in front of the Mead Hall dining location.

A Gothi figure is now visible in front of her hut, located at the very top of the mountain above Mead Hall, which is the highest point on the Isle of Berk.

(The Gothi figure may only be visible in person if you have a really good zoom lens or some binoculars on your, that is!)

The fountain in the middle of the village plaza has come together quickly. Hoses are installed to pour water down the sides.

Behind the fountain, a worker can be seen wearing a Viking hat.

This hat seems to look like the hats shown in official concept art available for purchase within the Isle of Berk.

Official Concept Art

The safety warnings sign and wait time sign have been added for the interactive boat ride, named Fyre Drill.

Hookups are installed around this small overlook above the boat ride, which may be for some sort of interactive sprayers to target people on the boats that pass by. Small signs can be seen along the railing.

A section of the ice wall from the quick service dining location across the path has been removed and is being staged here while work is ongoing for the ice dragon in this area.

The seating area for this dining location, named Spit Fyre Grill, is still being constructed.

A directional sign near the back of the world shows The Untrainable Dragon in one direction, and Mead Hall & Exit in another.

More sheep have been added back here, on the path leading to the live stage show. These sheep still do not have skin.

Workers can be seen meeting at the entrance to the live stage show.

Celestial Park

Checking in around Celestial Park, the name for the central areas of Epic Universe a lot of final touches are being added to the many restaurants and shops throughout this area.

New half-circle pizza-themed decorations have been installed along the towers and roof line for Pizza Moon.

New landscaping designs have appeared around Pizza Moon, including a circular design outside the seating area, to the right of the restaurant.

The bandshell is up over a small outdoor stage near the large fountain at the back of the theme park.

Multiple signs have been installed at the several food service kiosks in this section of the park, including the tiki-themed sign for CelesTiki, an outdoor bar.

Next to the bar, the dessert window location has received its sign, officially named Frosty Moon.

New Coca-Cola Freestyle machines can be seen installed along the side of Frosty Moon.

And a logo for Starbucks has been installed atop this small Starbucks location.

Universal Orlando has actually announced that this small Starbucks location within Celestial Park is operating now, just for Team Members working at Epic Universe. The company shared a photo of Starbucks employees at this location along with the announcement.

Official photo from Universal Orlando Resort

The Oak & Star Tavern’s star lights appear to be testing above its entrance.

The tree inside of a fountain located in front of this restaurant is being replaced.

The Zenith Bar sign has been installed atop this other outdoor bar location, on the opposite side of the park’s large show fountain as CelesTiki.

The sign is up at a pair of small single stall restrooms, located near the center of the park.

Landscaping continues on the new berm near Constellation Carousel.

Staging for a covering over the entrance to Constellation Carousel can be seen in front of the entrance, with four poles already installed to support this new round roof piece, at the arrow below.

Texture work is happening on the ground beneath the silver spheres that were recently installed in front of Stardust Racers, the park’s massive dual track racing coaster.

The attraction marquee for Stardust Racers have been covered up by a white tent while undergoing work.

Bioreconstruct was able to get new footage of the coaster testing at night just this week, (as seen in the video below,) and it appears to have been testing a new lighting package. The trains seem to have a sparkly lighting effect at the top hat and other tall portions, and then turn red when cresting down a hill.

The comet icon at the front, as well as the new spheres on the ground, and the protective wall between the tracks, are illuminated in this nighttime footage as well.

In the next two photos of Stardust Racers testing, from Jacob from Carey, we can see the long-rumored Flux Capacitor on the back of the train. This is an Easter egg from the ride designers, but it had been covered up on the trains until now.

Counters are visible at the fronts of several information kiosks located throughout the park. These are expected to act as mini guest service locations.

Scaffolding has come down around the phase 2 dining building, revealing an increasingly completed front.

Connections have installed in the ground, which may be for the large dragon statue in front of the Blue Dragon Pan-Asian Restaurant, located near the back of the park.

Here is what this dragon statue looks like in official concept art.

Official Concept Art

New nighttime lighting has been testing on the bridges and in the ground in front of the Universal Helios Grand Hotel at the back of the park.

Here is a closer look at some of the color changing lights embedded in a walkway between the fountain and the hotel.

Gold has been added on the ring around the head of the Helios statue at the back of Epic Universe.

Additional Epic Universe News

As we wrap up today’s update, there are several new electric busses lined up at the new bus depot near Epic Universe.

While the bus depot is not yet completed, some chargers have been set up to help charge the new bus fleet.

These new busses have already begun taking guests staying at the now open Stella Nova Resort to and from the existing theme parks of Universal Orlando.

The bus-only lanes down the center of the newly extended Kirkman Rd. are open now, but regular car travel lanes are not yet ready until work on the traffic circle at the end of Kirkman Rd. is complete.

We can see the Helios Grand Hotel sign installed along Kirkman Rd. Helios opens on May 22nd, same as Epic Universe.

The new Terra Luna Resort animated sign can be found closer to the traffic circle ramp. Terra Luna will be opening on March 25th.

The completed Kirkman Rd. is expected to be open all traffic by that time.

And finally, a new commercial for the Universal Orlando Resort has debuted. This ad specifically highlights Epic Universe, and the resort’s now “four” parks.

That’s all for this update, but be sure to check out the video version of this story for additional visuals. A huge thank you to Bioreconstruct for the amazing aerial and on the ground photographs. You can follow him on X (formerly Twitter), Bluesky, or Mastodon for more incredible theme park photos.

Subscribe to the news feed or enter your email address below to never miss an update. Official Art: Universal Destinations & Experiences | Aerial and On the Ground Photos: Bioreconstruct | Permit Documents: fasttrack.ocfl.net | Graphics and Overlays: Alicia Stella | Other Images as Captioned

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  • Mariella Murillo


    It looks like construction is almost done, and this means it lines up with the rumors of previews beginning real soon.

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