Epic Universe News Update: Snow Dragon Installed, Stardust Trims, and Chronos Complete

Much of Epic Universe may be done and ready, but the work site is still a flurry of activity as ride testing turns into Team Member previews in some worlds, while others continue to hurry their last bits of construction. A new animatronic dragon has appeared, the Stardust Racers coaster has been modified, and the Chronos is spinning above the park entrance.

Let’s check in on last minute construction projects around all areas of Epic Universe in today’s news update. See the video version of this story below for additional visuals.

The image below is an official piece of concept art, with labels added for all of the main attractions for Universal Epic Universe.

Official concept art with labels added for all attractions

Thanks to recent aerial photography from @bioreconstruct on social media, we’ll be comparing the latest construction progress to official concept art and rumors for this new theme park in this detailed photo update.

Recent aerial look at Epic Universe construction site by @bioreconstruct

How to Train Your Dragon – Isle of Berk

Starting today in How to Train Your Dragon – Isle of Berk, a world where Vikings and dragons live in harmony. We have seen multiple types of dragons for this world already, including tails and heads sticking out of houses around the area, a flying dragon using robotic drone technology to appear to flap its wings, and more recently, a robotic dragon on the ground that likely utilizes Boston Dynamics technology.

But now, a new dragon has arrived to the Isle of Berk. The snow wraith is in place along the wall of the Spit Fyre Grill outdoor quick service restaurant.

This dragon is shown spewing cold fog in official concept art, and we can see it now placed within its little hutch along the building.

Official concept art

A small wall that will cover the bottom half of the dragon is in the process of being painted on the other side of the path in front of this location, before it is installed.

The seating for the Spit Fyre Grill is one of the last big projects to be completed for this world, with half of its canopy now installed.

This seating area overlooks the Fyre Drill interactive boat ride.

Here is a look at the completed sign for Spit Fyre Grill, located above the ordering stations, to the right of the snow dragon.

The main sign for the Fyre Drill boat ride has been installed, along with colorful cutouts above it. The ride warnings and wait time signs can be seen to the right of the entrance.

The boat ride can be seen cycling in the next photo, with a couple boats moving along the ride path.

Another new ride sign was just installed as well, this one for Hiccup’s Wing Gliders, a family roller coaster attraction with two launches.

The safety warnings and wait time sign have been installed here in front of the entrance as well.

A directional sign can be spotted to the right of the ride entrance, pointing to the restrooms located between the coaster and the Mead Hall restaurant.

The ground beneath the load area for the spinning Dragon Racers Rally ride has been stained to appear like vibrant dirt.

We can see how the entire queue has been encased in mesh netting to protect it from falling objects on the ride.

What could be a safety warnings sign is visible just inside of the kids’ play area, named Viking Training Camp.

Multiple stations that could be possible sprayers, telescope viewers, or other interactive elements have been installed atop several towers in the play area, many featuring the faces of various dragons.

Trash cans can now be found along all of the pathways, plus some water fountains have been installed as well.

A well-themed bench can be spotted near the entrance to the world.

Outside of the entrance, the portal into the Isle of Berk has received its decoration, featuring icons for the many dragon characters.

Celestial Park

Moving now into the central areas of Epic Universe, Celestial Park has seemed to be the furthest behind as far as major construction goes, but it has continued to pick up steam and make steady progress so far this year.

The Chronos machine above the portal into Celestial Park, which acts as the formal entry into Epic Universe, has been testing spinning in recent weeks. In the video below we can see the complex mechanisms up close, all moving in harmony.

The statues along the sides of this entry arch have been installed, likely representing two Celestians, the residents of Celestial Park in the story of Epic Universe.

The Celestians use the Chronos machine to power the portals they use for traveling between worlds.

Landscaping work has moved to the areas surrounding the Luna Overlook area just inside of the park, including around the Luna statue herself.

Zooming into the photo above shows how the workers help us to to get a sense of scale for this large statue.

Recently laid sod can be seen in this photo, to the right of the statue.

Landscaping continues to Atlantic, which is receiving piles of dirt to help blend the elevation difference between the entry into this full service restaurant and its dining room below.

Finalizing work is happening on the recently installed mermaids atop all of the columns around this octagonal building.

Attachments for the sign above the entry into Atlantic are visible, but the sign itself has not yet been installed.

The Restrooms located between the Nintendo Super Star Store and the Pizza Moon restaurant look to be getting brick details painted on.

Super Stars are being added to the roof line for the Super Star Store, (seen on right of next photo,) which is located just outside of Super Nintendo World.

Near here, Constellation Carousel is seeing sections of the decorative patterned framing being filled in, to now be solid, surrounding the glass sections of the rooftop dome over the ride.

The rooftop cover over the queue areas of Constellation Carousel looks to be complete.

The framing for the smaller roof over its entry path has been installed.

Landscaping on the opposite side of the lagoon around the carousel is nearing completion. This landscaping replaced a torn down foam berm that wasn’t working out, which was ultimately replaced with these real plants.

The landscaping that replaced a smaller berm section closer to the carousel looks complete, seen on the right in the next photo.

One of the last sections of walkways for the entire park that still needed to be poured, located next to the small outdoor stage in the middle of park, is now being finished.

Workers can be spotted in line for coffee at a now operating Starbucks location in the middle of Epic Universe.

The Frosty Moon ice cream kiosk now has a celestial ice cream cone-shaped figure on its roof.

Outdoor tables and chairs are being added around the outdoor bar, named CelesTiki, which will serve frozen and tropical drinks.

The dragon has not yet been installed in front of Blue Dragon Pan-Asian Restaurant, but connections are still visible next to planter which matches the placement for the statue as seen in official concept art.

Official Concept Art

What could be a Coca-Cola kiosk near the Meteor Astropub has received paint and a statue on top of its roof.

Work is continuing on the fake turf placed along the surface of the viewing areas around the park’s large show fountain.

The phase 2 dining was not announced along with the official dining details last week, when menu items and photos were revealed for around 30 in-park dining locations. This may mean it is unlikely to open with the park.

A starburst design has been added to the pathway directly in front of Stardust Racers.

This starburst design is in line with the comet icon in front of the dual-track roller coaster attraction, as seen at the top of the next photo.

The finished marquee for Stardust Racers has been uncovered. The sign features two comets, representing the two coaster trains.

The entrance tunnel framing is receiving panels to create a solid roof over this entry path into the queue building.

Just a couple weeks ago trims were added to both tracks of Stardust Racers.

As far as anyone can tell only one small trim brake was installed on each of the tracks, located partway down the descent after the top hat maneuver.

Arrows at new trim brakes on drop

It’s possible this is to regulate the speed of the trains as they transition between the negative G-forces of the fall and positive G-forces of the incline up the next hill. More information on this minor change can be found in this video by ElToroRyan.

Location of new trim brakes circled

Watching footage of the ride testing after these small brakes were installed it’s hard to recognize any difference in speed as the trains pass over them, but they do seem to be making their way up the next section of the ride slightly slower than before. The rest of the ride seems unaffected by this minor change.

Stardust Racers has been testing with multiple trains in the weeks since the change, including with some human riders.

Dark Universe

Inside of Dark Universe, the world inspired by the Universal Monsters, we see a spooky mood being set with new misty fog effects activated around the entry area just inside of the portal.

A skeleton on a stake greets visitors as they enter this area.

Here is a look at how this entry area appears in official concept art, including Mr. Skelly-Bones on the top-right of the image.

Fog can be seen billowing from the well in the center of the village. This is said to be rising from the catacombs below in the story for this world, which is where the vampires live, beneath Darkmoor.

A chimney smoke effect is running over the village street.

Lighting around the village is on in these photos, including for the electrical effects on this sign for the area’s main retail location, named “Pretorius’ Scientific Oddities.”

As with most of the other worlds of the park, benches and trash cans have been added here as well.

A stroller parking sign can be seen at the edge of the village street.

Scaffolding recently went up along two walls of the large ride building for Monsters Unchained: The Frankenstein Experiment. The scaffolding can be spotted at the top of the next photo, as well as on the right.

These walls had been unthemed up to this point, but they are painted stone gray with an aging effect in the scale model of the park in the Epic Universe Preview Center.

Themed ride building wall in preview center, Photo: Alicia Stella

Perhaps these walls are being themed similarly, to help with sight lines when viewed from within the park?

The Universal Express sign is visible at the ride entrance for Curse of the Werewolf.

Mesh netting is being installed along the recently added curved supports around the track for this spinning roller coaster ride.

This safety netting seems to be located around most of the track for this attraction, but it was not shown in initial renders or pieces of concept art, so may have been a late addition to the plans.

Official rendering for this attraction

The angle in the next photo gives us a view of these nets as seen from inside the ride envelope, showing how these nets will be visible to riders on both sides of the track throughout much of the ride.

Mesh screens have been added to the tall supports around the section of coaster track that is closest to the village area.

These mesh screens are shown as having lighting effects or projections in official renderings for Dark Universe.

Official rendering showing projections on these nets, on right of image

The expansion pad for Dark Universe has been seeded for grass, as seen here located at the edge of the park behind the land.

Expansion pad for this world seen in green on bottom-left

Super Nintendo World

On to Super Nintendo World, where the final pieces of colorful theming wrapping around the tall beacon above the portal have been installed.

Abstract hillside paint work continues on the walls surrounding the world facing the rest of the park.

Scaffolding has been erected in front of Peach’s Castle facade, and the meet and greet gazebo next to it.

Painting work continues on pink roof elements over the doorway on the front of the castle, which will act as the entrance into this world. New spot lighting has been added all around top of Peach’s Castle, pointed towards its peak.

An EXIT sign is visible above an opening on the right side of the castle.

Mushroom seating areas are being completed in multiple spots along the upper level of the world.

The next photo shows how one of these mushroom-themed seating areas appear in the scale model for the park.

Bowser’s eyes on the entrance to the Mario Kart ride appear yellow here, in the daylight, but we have seen them glow red at night.

The sign for Yoshi’s Snack Island can be seen installed here, under the ride.

This quick service dining window will offer fruit smoothies and Koopa shell calzones according to new officially released information.

The sign has been installed above the warp pipe leading to the Donkey Kong Country mini-land area behind this area.

Unlike Super Nintendo World in Universal Studios Japan, where Donkey Kong opened as a phase two expansion, this area, featuring the Mine Cart Madness coaster ride, will be opening along with Epic Universe from the start.

An exaggerated wood grain design is being added to the floor of the airplane-themed retail kiosk inside of this area.

A similar wood grain design can be seen as part of the floor of the Donkey Kong meet and greet area in front of his treehouse.

The Bubbly Barrel logo looks similar to the souvenir barrel mugs available from a similar stand in Universal Studios Japan.

Official image of sundae available in Universal Studios Japan

According to official information, this kiosk in Epic Universe will offer tropical drinks, including a banana-flavored one named the DK Crush Float.

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter – Ministry of Magic

At the entrance area for The Wizarding World of Harry Potter – Ministry of Magic the aging design for the arch we pass through to enter the Parisian streets of Place Cachee looks to be nearly completed.

Compare the look of the arch currently to how it appears on this side in official concept art.

Official concept art

While guests enter each world through a round portal, the exit out of the world is actually separate, so traffic is always only one way heading in or out of an area.

The exit for The Wizarding World is set to the left of its portal. Here we can see a gate installed at the exit path. The small security hut has been painted its final colors. This is where security will ensure no one is entering the world via the exit.

Inside of the world, a stack of cauldrons has arrived for installation in front of a facade on the main street, seen on the top-right of the next photo.

Here is how this will look according to the official concept art.

Close up of official concept art for this area

And below is how this shop’s front looked as part of the set design for the second Fantastic Beasts film.

Set design photo from Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald, Warner Bros.

Final touches are being made to several of the facades around the area, including this upper window within the dark side alley—and above the main ride’s entrance.

Scaffolding is in place during work on more of the Parisian rooftops, which may be related to chimney effects or lighting.

Multiple signs are now installed at the circus tent-themed entrance to the live stage show attraction, named Le Cirque Arcanus.

The Battle at the Ministry ride entrance has a Team Member reminders sign, which is similar to the ones seen in front of restaurants offering mock dinner service in recent weeks.

The facade for this Wizarding World’s wand shop is receiving paint, while musicians perform in the street for a small audience.

The window display for the wand shop, named Cosme Acajor Baguettes Magique, features its signature triangle wand boxes.

The official Harry Potter social media accounts recently offered a first look at the appearance of some the exclusive interactive wands that will be available at this shop.

Official photo of new wand designs, Harry Potter

Concept art for flyover ramp, Orange County Government

Epic Parking and Roads

As we wrap up this week’s update, let’s check in on progress around the parking lot for Epic Universe, where letters on top of the toll plaza now spell out the word WELCOME.

Several digital signs for pricing are already installed on the first few lanes.

The guest walkway leading from the parking lot to the park is now fully paved.

Something not discussed too often, a temporary on-site tree farm and nursery can be spotted behind parking lot, located closer to Shingle Creek which flows along the east side of the park. It can be seen at the top of the wide photo above, or in close in the next photo.

Major work on the traffic circle ramp seems to be coming to a close. It may be close to receiving lines painted on it.

Currently the buses taking guests to and from the Stella Nova Resort are utilizing the Kirkman Rd. expansion, but through the intersection below this circle. The ramp will need to be completed before this road can be opened to regular car traffic to and from the theme park.

That’s all for this update, but be sure to check out the video version of this story for additional visuals. A huge thank you to Bioreconstruct for the amazing aerial and on the ground photographs. You can follow him on X (formerly Twitter), Bluesky, or Mastodon for more incredible theme park photos.

Subscribe to the news feed or enter your email address below to never miss an update. Official Art: Universal Destinations & Experiences | Aerial and On the Ground Photos: Bioreconstruct | Permit Documents: fasttrack.ocfl.net | Graphics and Overlays: Alicia Stella | Other Images as Captioned

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