Themed Lands Announced for Universal Kids Resort Texas, Opening 2026

Universal Kids Resort, a new family-friendly theme park from Universal Destinations & Experiences, will officially open next year.

Today the company released details for all six of the themed lands for this unique new park, as well as official details for the 300-room on-site hotel and more. The new park, located in Frisco, Texas, was specifically designed for families with young children.

Let’s dig into all the official details, what they mean for the possible layout for the park, and how construction is progressing so far, in today’s news update. See the video version of this story above for additional information.

First announced in January 2023, this new venture from the company will feature a smaller-than-usual theme park filled with attractions geared to kids and their families. Utilizing properties from Universal’s parent company, Comcast’s portfolio of I.P., as well as at least one licensed property, this new park will offer colorful characters kids already know and love.

“It’s an amazing opportunity to bring these iconic stories to life for kids and families to experience, interact with and play together,” says Sarah Gibbon, VP & Executive Producer for Universal Creative. “At each point, we considered how we could design a place especially for kids where they could explore, imagine and adventure with their families and friends. They’ll be able to do all this while being fully immersed in some of their favorite stories – ones full of curiosity, laughter and joy.”

Themed Lands of Universal Kids Resort

The park will open with six-themed lands to explore, as well as an entrance hub area featuring a theme of its own. Below are official descriptions for each of the lands, as well as the official image used for each in today’s reveal.

DreamWorks’ Shrek

Enjoy ogre-sized fun as you stomp, ride, laugh and play in Shrek’s swamp themed playground built personally by Shrek.

DreamWorks’ Puss in Boots

It’s a legendary day with Puss in Boots in Del Mar as the kitty adoption drive is in full swing with colorful decorations, sideshow games, fun rides and festive food.

Nickelodeon’s SpongeBob SquarePants

It’s Bikini Bottom’s best day ever and SpongeBob and friends cannot wait to show you around their neighborhood under the sea.

Illumination’s Minions

Let the games begin as Illumination’s Minions overrun a peaceful vacation retreat. When Yellow Minions attempt to rein in their Purple counterparts, it leads to a wave of unpredictable, water-soaked fun.

Jurassic World

It’s a journey of exploration where kids can learn about and come face to face with dinosaurs of Jurassic World in uniquely exciting and interactive ways.

DreamWorks’ Trolls

You’re invited to the most colorful, most joy-filled, and, of course, most glittery music festival of all time!

Park Hub with DreamWorks’ Gabby’s Dollhouse

A central hub with interactive play areas and shady lawns for rest & recharge, plus an immersive retail experience where guests can meet characters from Gabby’s Dollhouse.

Official concept art for Universal Kids Resort

Possible Park Layout

The final version of the concept art for Universal Kids Resort was released at the end of 2023, as seen above. It seems to line up with recent permits for construction, which is well underway at the site.

The image below is the same official concept art, but with logos for all of the lands added by us. The placement for each of these lands have not yet been confirmed by the company, so this should be considered rumor for now—however, in our last update we showed evidence for each of the lands and their attractions from clues in the art, as well as information found in permit images for the park.

Official art, but with logos for each of the lands’ expected placements added by us

Last year saw detailed permit images filed with the city of Frisco for construction of this new theme park. These detailed images included every building and most structures, but stopped short of showing each of the rides themselves. Some attractions, like a theater and a water ride, can be picked out within the images, but others are still obscured.

Below is an official site plan image that was filed with permits nearly a year ago, but colors and labels for possible land placements have been added by us. Using the concept art, backstage access roads, and guest pathways as guides, we can see how each of the themed lands could be separated.

Official site plan with colors and all labels added by us

See our last story for more detailed information about these permits and more images showing placements and information for parking lots, backstage areas, and even some of the attractions for Universal Kids Resort.

Official concept art for on-site hotel

On-Site Hotel

The only official details for the on-site hotel so far is that it will have 300 rooms, and is designed with families in mind. The hotel will act as the entrance to Universal Kids Resort, in addition to offering “a place to stay, play and relax after all the fun of the park.”

The hotel’s design was first shared in an official render submitted to the City of Frisco last Fall. A higher resolution version of this same image was released by Universal today, seen above.

According to permit information the hotel will be five-stories tall. A breezeway below the middle of the structure will serve as a pass-through entry into the theme park. The marquee for the resort will be placed in front, as seen in the art above.

“At Universal Kids Resort, children will have the opportunity to play, sing, dance and discover with some of their favorite characters,” says Dan Cuffe, Vice President and General Manager of Universal Kids Resort. “Beyond the highly-engaging attractions and shows, families will find ample areas to rest and also enjoy themed food and beverages and shop for fun character souvenirs. Each of these areas elicit wonder with a lush, colorful environment.”

On-site hotel under construction, Photo: Diservations

Construction Progress

Many structures are well into construction around the site at this time, including the hotel, as seen in the photo above. The photos below show ride components that have arrived on site, including for a possible SpongeBob SquarePants flat ride and Trolls-themed roller coaster.

Ride components being staged at work site, Photo: Diservations

Ride parts possibly related to SpongeBob attraction, Photo: Diservations

Could these be sections of a Trollercoaster attraction, Photo: Diservations

See more photos like these at Diservations, including additional ride components for the Jurassic World and Puss in Boots areas of Universal Kids Resort. You can also find roadway and other infrastructure projects related to the new park in the article.

Universal Kids Resort is set to open in 2026 in Frisco, Texas. This project, as well as the Universal Horror Unleashed year-round haunt attraction coming to Las Vegas this August, are part of Universal Destinations & Experiences’ ambition to introduce new products to new audiences in new markets. If successful, it is possible we could see additional Universal Kids parks opening in new locations.

See the video version of this story below for additional information and check out our last article about Universal Kids Resort for a complete breakdown of official permits and site plans. And stay tuned for more coverage for this project in the coming year, leading up to its grand opening.

Subscribe to the news feed or enter your email address below to never miss an update. Official Images: Universal Destinations & Experiences | Permit Images: | Graphics: Alicia Stella | Construction Images: Diservations | Other images as captioned

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  • Cesar


    Thanks for the update Alicia. Do you know where is the security and entry gates supposed to be placed?

    • Admin

      I believe in the breezeway under the hotel, which will act as the turnstiles and security for the park. Ticket sales window can actually be seen on the left of the breezeway in the official hotel art!

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